The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is one of the founding department in SNMIMT Maliankara started functioning in 2002. The B.Tech Degree course has been designed in such a way that to provide excellent technical knowledge in the emerging areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. It envisages to mould competent engineers capable of providing dynamic leadership in various areas of life. The department is dedicated to achieve this by ensuring and maintaining high quality in planning, implementing and monitoring the academic programme. This department is proud to have efficient and experienced teachers with commendable academic records from reputed institutions and a zealous technical team. The syllabus enables the student to achieve in-depth knowledge in current fields of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
To pursue excellence in the field of electrical and electronics engineering.
To be a centre of excellence in moulding students into outstanding professionals of high ethical standards in electrical and electronics engineering
Mrs. Anooja C L received her B-tech (2009) in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and M-tech ( year) with Power Electronics and Power System as specialization from MG university, Kerala. She has more than ten years of experience in teaching and published research papers in various international journals and conferences, expertised in areas of Power Electronics and Power System.
Associate Professor
Mob: 0484 -2484442
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Professor
21 Years Experience
Qualification: M.TECH
Experience: Teaching : 21 Years, Industrial : Nil
E Mail: [email protected]
Mob: 0484 -2484442
Associate Professor
16 Years Experience
Qualification: M.TECH, Currently doing PhD Specialisation under "Fault diagnosis of Machines"
Experience: Teaching : 16 years, Industrial : Nil
E Mail: [email protected]
Mob: 0484 -2484442
Assistant Professor
6 years Experience
Qualification: M.E
Experience: Teaching : 6 Years, Industrial : Nil
E Mail: [email protected]
Mob: 0484 -2484442
Assistant Professor
7 years Experience
Qualification: M-Tech
Experience: Teaching : 7 years, Industrial : Nil
E Mail: [email protected]
Mob: 8297185558
Assistant Professor
4 years Experience
Qualification: M Tech in Energy Systems
Experience: Teaching : 4 years, Industrial : 0 years
E Mail: [email protected]
Mob: 9747941501
Assistant Professor
4 years Experience
Qualification: M. Tech Power Electronics
Experience: Teaching : 4 years, Industrial : 0 years
E Mail: [email protected]
Mob: 9497547323
19 Years Experience
Qualification: ITI
Experience: 19 Years, Industrial : 4 Years
E Mail: [email protected]
Mob: 0484 -2484442
The Electrical Machines lab with various AC and DC machines arranged for conducting experiments related to academics and student projects. The Lab is provided with dedicated 11kV Supply and grid synchronization capability.
The control and Simulation Lab has equipped with most modern facilities available in the field. The up-to-date versions of simulation software help in modeling many real time applications.
The Cad lab is equipped with 42 Desktop computers with internet and centralized air-conditioning facility. The central and state agencies are also conducting various competitive exams in the lab on holidays.
The measurement and Power Electronics lab are standing in a way that is capable of providing a strong foundation to the students in the area of measurement and Power Electronics. The high end DSOs and CROs are used inexperiments which provide highly accurate readings.